Are you experiencing discontent, frustration, or do you find yourself feeling stuck or burned out?
Perhaps you've just had some form of a wakeup call.
Maybe you just got a promotion at work or some good fortune.
Learn more about this effective program which can support you during your time of transition. Discover what's trying to happen and bring it into reality.
Are you being the best you can be?
Many athletes, executives, and high achievers have benefited from High-Performance Hypnosis to bring their game, business, and relationships to the next level.
Experience happiness, peace, joy.
ā€‹When we get caught up in life's challenges, it’s easy to forget that we are each whole beings made up of many interrelated and often unseen elements and dimensions.
ā€‹We have a tremendous amount of untapped potential.
ā€‹Use Whole-Person hypnotherapy to access the hidden power of your True Self!
Public speaking, meeting people, leading, taking risks, daring to dream.
Imagine what it would be like to move through life with a healthy confidence.
Confidence is an attractive energy. Especially when it comes from within and is well grounded.
Learn to enjoy public speaking, meeting new people, going out in public and taking on all the opportunities and challenges that are now opening up for you
Clear fears, doubt, anxiety, limiting beliefs and more.
ā€‹Past experiences can cause limitations, trauma, anxiety, and can trap our energies, holding us back from achieving our potential.
ā€‹Regression hypnotherapy can open gates to our past, freeing energy, and propelling us toward our goals.
We often have small group events at our Vancouver Coaching Centre in the Yaletown district.
Patrick J. Ryan is an internationally recognized registered clinical hypnotherapist, life and executive coach, family enterprise coach, leadership trainer, vision quest guide, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and founder of Yaletown Hypnosis, Vancouver Coaching and Awakened Wisdom Experiences.
ā€‹Patrick specializes in guiding people, teams, family, businesses, and communities, as well as guiding vision quests, leadership development coaching, Leadership and Certified Advanced Coach Training Programs, and one-on-one coaching for people as they face the opportunities and challenges of these demanding times.
We will contact you shortly. All information is strictly confidential.